Title: The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax
Author: Dorothy Gilman
Genre: Spy/action, with some comedy
Summary: From Amazon: "Mrs. Virgil (Emily) Pollifax of New Brunswick, New Jersey, was a widow
with grown children. She was tired of attending her Garden Club
meetings. She wanted to do something good for her country. So,
naturally, she became a CIA agent. This time, the assignment sounds as
tasty as a taco. A quick trip to Mexico City is on her agenda.
Unfortunately, something goes wrong, and our dear Mrs. Pollifax finds
herself embroilied in quite a hot Cold War--and her country's enemies
find themsleves entangled with one unbelievably feisty lady."
Rating: Great!
Why I Like It: This book is so much fun. Mrs. Pollifax is such an unlikely spy. She cares about the people around her, which leads to some funny situations and unexpected friendships. This is not a serious or grizzly spy book, but at the same time there is still action.
Other: This is part of a series of books. You don't have to read them in order, but references are made to past characters at times.
Reviewer: Brigette Hill
I think I will check this out!