Title: Christy
Author: Catherine Marshall
Genre: Historical Fiction
Summary: From Amazon "In the year 1912, nineteen-year-old Christy Huddleston leaves home to
teach school in the Smoky Mountains -- and comes to know and love the
resilient people of the region, with their fierce pride, their dark
superstitions, their terrible poverty, and their yearning for beauty and
truth. But her faith will be severely challenged by trial and tragedy,
by the needs and unique strengths of two remarkable young men, and by a
heart torn between true love and unwavering devotion."
Rating: Good
Why I Like It: I
really enjoyed re-reading this book. The last time I read it was 20
years ago! I found it to be really inspiring. I loved it being set in
the Smokey Mountains, a place I love to visit and hike. Also, I could
relate to working to help people but in the process having to face up to
the evil in the world. The book demonstrated to keep seeking God and
looking at His love. I felt like the ending was rushed, but I love the
book overall. I look forward to reading with my daughters when they are
Other: This had been made into a TV series in the 1990's. I plan on getting the DVD's from the library. Also, as a child my husband Luke was in a musical based on this book.
Reviewer: Brigette
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