Title: Garlic and Sapphires: The Secret Life of a Critic in Disguise
Author: Ruth Reichl
Genre: Memoir
Summary: From Amazon: "Ruth Reichl, world-renowned food critic and former editor in chief of Gourmet
magazine, knows a thing or two about food. She also knows that as the
most important food critic in the country, you need to be anonymous when
reviewing some of the most high-profile establishments in the biggest
restaurant town in the world—a charge she took very seriously, taking on
the guise of a series of eccentric personalities."
Rating: Good
Why I Like It: This book is really interesting to learn how a family food critic would go around New York and wear disguises. She really cared about the common person having a good experience at a restaurant.
Reviewer: Brigette
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ReplyDeleteThis book sounds really good & would be easy reading! I have it ordered from the library. Thanks Brigette!
DeleteVery interesting, especially since its a true story. Looking at the author's picture, I do have to wonder how she can live that life style and not turn into a butterball.