Title: The Help
Author: Kathryn Stockett
Genre: Historical Fiction, comedy
Summary: The Help is the story of a young white woman in Jackson, Mississippi in the 1960s and a group of black maids who work for the families of her friends. It's about the struggles the women face as they chafe against the written and unwritten rules that limit their lives.
Rating: Excellent!
Why I Like It: Funny, historical, great characters! Read before seeing the movie, will help the movie make more sense.
Other: Listened to it on audio – so well done in the different dialect of the characters – made it every entertaining & easy to keep the characters straight. (I have it on audio if you want to borrow it)
Reviewer: Patsy
Author: Kathryn Stockett
Genre: Historical Fiction, comedy
Summary: The Help is the story of a young white woman in Jackson, Mississippi in the 1960s and a group of black maids who work for the families of her friends. It's about the struggles the women face as they chafe against the written and unwritten rules that limit their lives.
Rating: Excellent!
Why I Like It: Funny, historical, great characters! Read before seeing the movie, will help the movie make more sense.
Other: Listened to it on audio – so well done in the different dialect of the characters – made it every entertaining & easy to keep the characters straight. (I have it on audio if you want to borrow it)
Reviewer: Patsy
I really enjoyed this book. It was inspiring. I liked how it took me to a time and place I really hadn't thought about much before reading this book.