Title: My Mrs. Brown
Author: William Norwich
Genre: Fiction
Summary: "From William Norwich, the well-known fashion writer and editor, an unforgettable novel about a woman with a secret who travels to New York City on a determined quest to buy a special dress that represents everything she wants to say about that secret…and herself." From Goodreads
Rating: Great!
Why I Like It: This book has really stuck with me. Mrs. Brown meets an assortment of friends on her journey to save money and buy a special dress. I love books that have a variety of cast of characters. And I love a main character as Mrs. Brown who is hard working and kind. This book was written by someone who works in the fashion industry. I think he brings a certain depth of thought to the meaning of function of clothes that is really interesting. It is a short book and easy to read.
Reviewer: Brigette
Author: William Norwich
Genre: Fiction
Summary: "From William Norwich, the well-known fashion writer and editor, an unforgettable novel about a woman with a secret who travels to New York City on a determined quest to buy a special dress that represents everything she wants to say about that secret…and herself." From Goodreads
Rating: Great!
Why I Like It: This book has really stuck with me. Mrs. Brown meets an assortment of friends on her journey to save money and buy a special dress. I love books that have a variety of cast of characters. And I love a main character as Mrs. Brown who is hard working and kind. This book was written by someone who works in the fashion industry. I think he brings a certain depth of thought to the meaning of function of clothes that is really interesting. It is a short book and easy to read.
Reviewer: Brigette
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