Title: Glory Over Everything: Beyond The Kitchen House
Author: Kathleen Grissom
Genre: historical fiction
Summary: From Amazon: A heart racing story about a man’s treacherous journey through the twists and turns of the Underground Railroad on a mission to save the boy he swore to protect. “Kathleen Grissom is a first-rate storyteller…she observes with an unwavering but kind eye, and she bestows upon the reader, amid terrible secrets and sin, a gift of mercy: the belief that hope can triumph over hell” (Richmond Times Dispatch). Glory Over Everything is an emotionally rewarding and epic novel “filled with romance, villains, violence, courage, compassion…and suspense.” (Florida Courier).
Rating: Very good!
Why I Like It: Sequel to The Kitchen House. More interesting historical information.
Other: Same as The Kitchen House…….Audio was a very entertaining way to “read” this book. Absolutely wonderful narration! Gave more depth to the characters.
Reviewer: Patsy
Very good. Even better than the first book.