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Friday, March 6, 2015

Mason Jar Salads and More

Title: "Mason Jar Salads and More" 
Author: Julia Mirabella 
Genre: Cookbook 
Summary: (From Amazon:) "Discover the coolest way to pack a tasty, healthy lunch! Mason Jar Salads and More shows how to prepare on-the-go meals that are packed with fresh produce and whole foods." 
Rating: Good  
Why I Like It: What is special about jar salads is that you can make them ahead of time (up to 3 to 5 days ahead of time). This book teaches you how to layer the ingredients so that they don't get soggy. When you are ready to eat them, you pour it out onto a bowl or plate. I make salads for Luke's lunch and send them to work with him. I also use a larger jar and make a salad for the girls and myself to share. One night during the week I will make a bunch of salads for the week. I even took some in a cooler when we went on a trip this last fall. While living out of a hotel room, it was nice to have a good, fresh salad ready to eat. Once you learn the concept of layering, you can modify the recipes to what your tastes are, and what you have on hand. It is a fun way to use the Bucher canning jars. My favorite recipes are: Southwestern Salad, Strawberry Goat Cheese Salad, Cobb Salad, and Apple Frisee Salad (I use spinach or green leaf lettuce for that one). 
Reviewer: Brigette


  1. Looks very good & practical! Good use of all those Bucher canning jars! Going to check into it!

  2. just experimenting with getting name right on comments

  3. Good job with your name Aunt Kathy!


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