Title: Even This I Get To Experience
Author: Norman Lear
Genre: autobiography
Summary: Norman Lear is the renowned creator of such iconic TV programs as All in the Family, Maude, Good Times, The Jeffersons, and Mary Hartman, Mary Hardman. He remade our television culture from the ground up. He was a writer, director and/or producer in many TV shows and movies. He had a very difficult childhood and was an airman in WWII.
Author: Norman Lear
Genre: autobiography
Summary: Norman Lear is the renowned creator of such iconic TV programs as All in the Family, Maude, Good Times, The Jeffersons, and Mary Hartman, Mary Hardman. He remade our television culture from the ground up. He was a writer, director and/or producer in many TV shows and movies. He had a very difficult childhood and was an airman in WWII.
Rating: very good
Why I Like It: Interesting behind the scenes look at a big change in our popular culture. I remember when All in the Family first broadcast and all the controversy.
Why I Like It: Interesting behind the scenes look at a big change in our popular culture. I remember when All in the Family first broadcast and all the controversy.
Reviewer: Kathy
I think it is always interesting to get a "behind the scenes" look at something.