Title: Lenci The History and the Dolls
Author: Nancy Lazenby
Genre: nonfiction, reference
Summary: Years of primary research by Lenci (an Italian doll company) expert Nancy Lazenby have resulted in the most comprehensive book ever created, tracing the company's eighty-two-year history and production of fine felt dolls. Based on founder Elena Scavini's unpublished memoirs, interviews with her grand-daughter and with Bibija Garella, one of the last owners of the company, as well as with key people involved in the final decades of Lenci s history, this stunning volume also features more than four hundred color photos of dolls and other items made by the company. The full reference section presents detailed photos of specific features by which Lenci dolls can be identified, a visual history of the various tags used from 1919 through 2001 and a close look at a variety of felt dolls often misidentified as Lenci's. This beautiful book is an invaluable reference for beginning and advanced collectors alike.
Summary: Years of primary research by Lenci (an Italian doll company) expert Nancy Lazenby have resulted in the most comprehensive book ever created, tracing the company's eighty-two-year history and production of fine felt dolls. Based on founder Elena Scavini's unpublished memoirs, interviews with her grand-daughter and with Bibija Garella, one of the last owners of the company, as well as with key people involved in the final decades of Lenci s history, this stunning volume also features more than four hundred color photos of dolls and other items made by the company. The full reference section presents detailed photos of specific features by which Lenci dolls can be identified, a visual history of the various tags used from 1919 through 2001 and a close look at a variety of felt dolls often misidentified as Lenci's. This beautiful book is an invaluable reference for beginning and advanced collectors alike.