Title: Unearthing
the Secret Garden
Author: Marta McDowell
Genre: Nonfiction
Summary: In Unearthing The Secret Garden, best-selling
author Marta McDowell delves into the professional and gardening life of
Frances Hodgson Burnett. Complementing her fascinating account with
charming period photographs and illustrations, McDowell paints an unforgettable
portrait of a great artist and reminds us why The Secret Garden continues
to touch readers after more than a century. This deeply moving and gift-worthy
book is a must-read for fans of The Secret Garden and anyone
who loves the story behind the story.
Rating: Good
Why I Like It: Frances Hodgson
Burnett had an interesting life and I am familiar with the horticulture
catalogs and references she used.
Reviewer: Nancy Bucher